Batch is stuck "in-progress" state. Users are unable to delete the batch or cancel it.
Use the Batch removal utility
- Install BRU for the correct version of KC
- find the batch ID of the stuck batch
- select the checkbox for the stuck batch
- Click the green arrow.
- You can back up the batch images before removing it by going to 'view' -> 'options' -> select the checkbox for "back up batch images"
Note: If the BRU tool does not work and the customer is OK if just removing the batch from the Kofax Database, run the following command in their SQL management studio.
Replace the Bold Name of Batch for the exact name that the batch is called in batch manager and replace Batch# with the batch number for the stuck batch.
After you run the query, the stuck batch should be gone.
Select ExternalBatchID from BatchCatalog where BatchName ='Name of Batch'
DECLARE @lExternalBatchID INT;
SET @lExternalBatchID = Batch#
EXEC procDeleteBatch @lExternalBatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM MarkedBatchFieldLong WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchFieldLong WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM UserFieldLong WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM PageCustomStringStorageExt WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM DocumentCustomStringStorageExt WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM ExtNotes WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM FolderCustomStringStorageExt WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM UserField WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchTotal WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchStatistics WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchQueue WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchCustomProperty WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM FolderCustomStringStorage WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM PageCustomStringStorage WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchPage WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchTable WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchField WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchDocumentProperty WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchDocumentPartialRel WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM DocumentCustomStringStorage WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchDocument WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM BatchFolder WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;
DELETE FROM Batch WHERE BatchID = @lExternalBatchID;