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Tungsten Automation (Formerly Kofax)
Genus Technologies
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Tungsten Automation (Formerly Kofax)
Tungsten Capture
Tungsten Transformation Modules
Tungsten Import Connector
Tungsten Front Office Server
Tungsten Analytics (Insight/Tungsten Analytics For Capture)
Tungsten PowerPDF
Tungsten Total Agility
Tungsten VRS
Export Connectors
IBM Content Navigator (ICN)
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Tungsten Automation (Formerly Kofax)
Genus Technologies
Media Upshot
Tungsten Automation (Formerly Kofax)
Tungsten Capture
Tungsten Transformation Modules
Tungsten Import Connector
Tungsten Front Office Server
Tungsten Analytics (Insight/Tungsten Analytics For Capture)
Tungsten PowerPDF
Tungsten Total Agility
Tungsten VRS
Export Connectors
IBM Content Navigator (ICN)
Tungsten Automation (Formerly Kofax)
What Kofax Capture (KC) and Transformation (KTM) Features Require Additional Licenses
Kofax Fix Packs and Service Packs - Cumulative
How can I be informed about Kofax updates and/or changes?
Kofax services not starting automatically
Does Kofax Capture, VRS or Kofax Front Office Server (KFS) use MSXML4.dll
Kofax products and Apache Log4j2 vulnerability information
KTM & KC Validation - Change how "Open Next Batch Automatically" to open the oldest batch first.
PDF Version, Security, and Format Support for Import
Kofax Products End of Support
Error [7001] SALicClnt: Unable to connect to remote server
Location of Log Files for Kofax Products
Kofax Shared Licensing Considerations
Could not start unattended mode because VRS could not be properly configured
Deleting Batches stuck in Batch Manager
[4001] KdoLib: Error opening database... error: 0 - The client and server cannot communicate because they do not possess a common algorithm
Timelogger Tool to test performance and slowness issues
Tungsten Capture
How to move/migrate Kofax software license
Kofax Capture modules freezing or pop-up windows not displayed - Reset Registry Keys
KCNS Central and Remote site error: 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials
Maximum Request Length Exceeded for KCN Server Remote Site Synchronization
How to move Kofax Capture database to another SQL server
Kofax Capture Administration Module Crashes When You Try To Edit or Create New .NET Scripts.
Kofax Capture: Error 1722 when installing Service Pack
Scan.exe -I / KC Auto Import: ERROR CODE: 1058 MESSAGE: Auto-import of indexes is not currently supported for batch classes with multiple document classes or multiple form types.
Export Error Script 1 Data Output 5 Access to the path - error on Export
Password does not meet Windows requirements KdoLib 4006 error installing Capture 11.1
Extension type not be found in content class INI file
How to update external field type address
Kofax User Profile Lockout Recovery - SQL Database
Kofax Capture database permissions
Error Message "You must reboot your system to continue the Capture installation" When Installing Kofax Capture
How to remove export connector during batch import process
Retaining batch class version options - pubtypes folder taking up a lot space.
A "1" Being Appended to Documents Being Exported from Kofax Capture
Delete Blank Pages without VRS Elite licensing
Hidden Fields Not Exporting in KC 11
Windows Viewer Cannot Open Color or Grayscale TIFF Images Exported from Kofax Capture
Unable to Configure Unattended Scanning
Kofax Capture upgrade best practices
Dongle Licensing Activation - USB Hardware License key not recognized. The first two letters are reversed
How To Set Kofax Batch Class to Import Only
Kofax Scan: An Error occurred while importing the file.
Kofax Capture Fix Pack/Service Pack Install
Kofax XML autoimport replacement?
Kofax enhanced barcode scanning slowness
Kofax SBL scripting to be discontinued
Using SSL for Kofax Capture Export Connector for IBM FileNet Content Manager
Kofax Capture Scaling issues due to scale and layout being increased
Kofax module unresponsive – will not launch
Patch Code Separation not working in Scan Module
File size limitations for Kofax Capture and Default export connectors
Patch Code Separation Fails at Import
Insufficient Licensing to run requested Module - Kofax Capture
DBUtil error 7001: Unable to connect to the remote server.
Kofax Capture Validation Script field is not executing default behavior
How to review & configure users and groups in Kofax
Kofax users can see all batch classes/modules
Kofax Capture Batch ID or Document ID needs to be changed
How to change DPI settings
How to Re-Install Kofax Hardware Key Drivers
Kofax Modules crashing in Kofax Capture 10.2 Service Pack 1
Remote site RSA Agent Error - RSA Error - Access tp the path 'Global\CentralSiteMonitor' is denied
Kofax Capture modules that require a license
How To Refresh Remote Site Batch Settings
Kofax Export Connector for Content Manager 8.6
Kofax Capture Size Limitations
How to test a scanner's ISIS driver
How to retain the Zoom type in Kofax Capture Validation
Kofax Database Tables Not Being Populated
Kofax Insufficient Volume Licensing - unable to scan
What takes up a Kofax concurrent/full station license for KC & KTM
Kofax batches do not process immediately
Kofax error: Release Script Component .ocx not registered
Testing KCNS Connection Issues
Kofax Hardware Dongle Return Instructions
Kofax Licensing Internet Access?
Unable to select a valid source. Device is already reserved.
Activation code not licensed with installed version of Kofax Capture
How do disable shared scanner profiles on remote sites
How To Update Export Connector Credentials for Multiple Batch Classes That Use the Same Export Connector Credentials
How to import values in Kofax Capture field type
Getting 3 errors when scanning in Kofax Capture.
Kofax Capture Required Ports
Kofax Capture and MultiSubnetFailover Support
KdoLib 4025 Cannot Seize Semaphore It was Previously Locked
Kofax Antivirus Info - including Win 10 Defender issue/ Bad Filename Error
Release script error: Error invoking the CloseSetupScript() Method
Unable to open Scan module after installing OEM VRS
Kofax PDF Generator Document Creation bug fix
How to create searchable PDF with Kofax Capture?
Kofax Capture PDF licensing
Improving Kofax Capture scan PDF import speed
Kofax Capture: Poor Quality PDF Image Output
PDF quality is worse when exported out of kofax.
Unable to read multiple barcodes on the same document
How to run a Repair and Compact on the Kofax Capture database
Duplicate Station ID
Batch Stuck in Progress
CM 8.1 export working directory issue
Kofax OnDemand Release Script codepage value
Kofax Capture Registry Permissions
Kofax Log File Info for Exported/Deleted Batches
Kofax Capture Highest Supported Version of SQL Server
Database compatibility with Kofax license version
Default DPI for PDF Documents Imported Using Software Import
Rubber Band OCR Crashes Validation with Auto-Recognition Zones
First page of a batch is not scanning
Is Kofax Capture 11.0 and Kofax Front Office Server (KFS) 4.3 compatible with Windows Active Directory (AD) 2019?
Kofax Capture PDF Generator step fails when converting a large image with "Non-supported image size" error
Unable to publish batch class - Fatal database error
KTM Validation Error when trying to open a batch in Batch Manager
Is Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Components Installed with Kofax Capture and Can We Uninstall it?
Troubleshooting Capture locked file issues during Export
Poor PDF quality after upgrading Kofax Capture to 11.1
Activate License Server Grayed Out
Locate the Image Directory in SQL Database (Kofax Capture)
License Utility does not show
Scan stays running in the background after closing out from the scan module.
Tungsten Capture - Opening Script error: Could not find directory
KCEC for Email Body text size limit and spacing issues
Is Kofax.DbLite.dll a Malicious .DLL file
Are multi-byte characters supported in Kofax Capture?
Is VRS required when you don't have a license for VRS Elite (Kofax Capture)
Overview of the Tungsten Kofax Capture Enhanced Bar Code (EBC) Engine
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Tungsten Transformation Modules
Understanding KTM Server: Processing and Utilization
Isolated KTM Validation Issues/Crashes Affecting a Single User
Reset KTM Project Builder Settings
Validating numbers in KTM - periods turns into comma issue (Windows Region Settings)
KTM Thin Client Only Showing Certain Batches
KTM Service Configuration - Batch processing polls
KTM Thin Client Validation Browser Compatibility
KTM Forms License vs KTM Unlimited Fields License
Reset KTM Validation Settings
How to Set Search Limits on KTM Fuzzy Database
Retry or Refresh functionality in the event of a network or operation failure for KTM
Batches not getting automatically processed after Fix Pack/Service Pack applied
What are the major changes to look out for when upgrading Transformation Modules from 6.4 to 7.x.x
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Tungsten Import Connector
KIC plug-in timing out and not starting.
How to omit conversion of file types in Kofax Import Connector
Imported Attached Email Missing Email Header
KIC EWS Mailbox User Name Acceptable Formats
KIC - format time from default 24 hour timestamp to 12 hours.
KIC 2.6 Fix Pack 1 Embedded .jpg Bug
Moving KIC configurations to another server.
KIC - Test folder import error
Scheduled Column in KIC Message Connector Monitor
Reception Error / Bad Content
Kofax KIC Blob Cleanup
Convert KIC Storage.bin data list into a CSV/EXCEL format.
KIC stopped working – storage bin full
Batch class unavailable for configuration - KIC
TLS error after updating to use TLS 1.2 only
Exit Code 255 Conversion Error and IOException with KFXConverter Log With Multiple KIC Instances
KIC - Conversion issues with large multi page tiff files.
KIC 2.8 Concatenated PDF only failing when skip conversion is set up.
Kofax KIC Supported Formats for Document Conversion
Kofax Import Connector (KIC) version check
Batches are not being imported with Kofax Import Connector and the Message Connector Monitor shows "Could not import image"
KC Plug-In service will not remain started
Kofax Import and Conversion of XFA PDF forms
KIC EWS protocol to a Shared Mailbox using a Service Account
File format .png or .gif is not supported in Kofax eDocuments
Receiving "Email failed with error “50 -5.7.1 This message is not RFC 5322 compliant. There are multiple To headers.” in Kofax Import Connector
Kofax Import Connector (KIC) 2.11 stops polling emails with VRS 5.3
Increase Number of Messages polled in Import Connector
Import Connector 2.11 and VRS 5.3 Compatibility Issues
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Tungsten Front Office Server
Kofax Front Office Server (KFS) Error: Input String was not in a correct format
KFS - Input String Not in Correct Format Error
Tungsten Analytics (Insight/Tungsten Analytics For Capture)
Kofax Analytics Database Maintenance/Change
Event Sender Workflow Agent: "Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected."
No available Automation device Using xxxx: No such cluster: Non Production1
What is Kofax Cognitive Document Automation (CDA)?
KCU (Kapow Compute Units) value assignment
Tungsten PowerPDF
Managing PowerPDF Licenses Across Workstations: Uninstallation and Reassignment/ Migrate PowerPDF licenses
Tungsten Total Agility
Kofax KTA: CaptureDataExport has inconsistencies Error
KTA 7.8.0 applying fix pack cause file import to not work.
KTA MSgraph Setup - Client Credentials
TotalAgility Job Reassign permissions
Kofax TotalAgility upgrade best practices:
How to find active jobs assigned to a person in Kofax TotalAgility
KTA, Deleted Documents, and Document Retention Policy
Kofax TotalAgility KTA Configuration Editor Tool - Unable to edit Database server settings
Kofax KTA - Is there any way to increase timeout for DataAccess Activity?
Configuring a Loop Activity to Loop Through Documents In a Folder
Kofax TotalAgility Clean-up task issues
Unlocking KTA Transformation Designer projects
Digital Signature in PDF Being Removed After Image Processing in KTA
KTA - How to loop through documents in a folder
KTA - Unable to log in with "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error
How are documents and folders stored in TotalAgility databases?
Is TotalAgility Dependant on the C:\ Drive
KCKTM Converter error "...A class with the name "XYZ" already exists.
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Tungsten VRS
Hardware VRS not getting picked up. Showing CGA
Uninstall VRS When Not Listed in Programs and Features
How to have capture ignore concurrent VRS license
Scanned images showing VRS Elite DEMO stamp
Scanning interval is slow on Fujitsu scanner
VRS licensing types
FPS Color: An unspecified error occurred. The image could be an unsupported format. Error -289
Activate Kofax VRS Failed - A license for this serial number is in use on another machine first.
Kofax scanner compatability check
Error calling OpenMcVRSscan 2nd time launching Scan Module
Eliminating Kofax VRS Out of Paper Error
Unable to activate Kofax VRS Server license
Fujitsu OEM VRS download link
Network resource unavailable error when launching scan application with VRS
Kofax VRS Versions
Error contacting the license server. The license grace period will allow scanning to continue for up to 72 more hours.
Where can I download the VRS Component Installer for my scanner?
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Export Connectors
FileBound Export Connector Error: FieldType is not "Unique"
Error during export when using Oauth Authentication in SharePoint export connector
Kofax Capture Export errors on large batches when exporting using the out of the box database export connector