How To Refresh Remote Site Batch Settings


Sometimes issues can occur for remote sites that full synchronization cannot fix. This happens when some minor batch class updates cause the RSA Agent to not completely update the batch class settings in Kofax Capture for the remote sites.


Below are steps to remove the batch class catalog files so when you do a full synchronization the RSA Agent will redownload all the batch classes with updated information from the Central Site.

  1. Close out of RSA Agent
  2. browse to C:\ProgramData\Kofax\CaptureSV\BatchDB\Catalog and backup the following files: BatchCat.DTD, BatchCat.XML, and BatchCat.XML.central and then delete the 3 files.
  3. browse to the C:\ProgramData\Kofax\CaptureSV\PubTypes folder and backup the contents and clear out the directory.
  4. Open RSA Agent - click synchronize now.
  5. Test that you no longer get your synchronization issues.