Kofax Log File Info for Exported/Deleted Batches

Log file is located in the CaptureSV/Logs folder (server/client install) or Program Data/KofaxCapture/Logs if a standalone install

This log contains information about Batches that were either processed through Export or deleted. The most recent Batches will be at the bottom of the log. The last module mentioned in the status line will be the module that the Batch was deleted from. The name of the Batch will be included in the first line of the section for that Batch.


For each batch deleted/exported the information is listed as below:

Line "01", "batch name" , "batch description"

Line "02", "batch creation station ID", "batch creation date", "batch creation time"

Line "03", "expected number of documents in batch", "expected number of pages in batch", "pages per document", "document separation", "save document separators", "actual documents in batch", "actual pages in batch"

Line "04", "batch class name", "batch class description"

Line "05", "queue start date", "queue start time", queue end date", "queue end time", "queue process name", "queue termination state", "station ID", "queue termination error code", "error text", "keystroke count - manual index fields", "keystroke count - corrections to OCR index fields", "keystroke count - corrections to ICR index fields", "keystroke count - corrections to bar code fields", "keystroke count - corrections to OMR index fields", "error state"


The information logged to the Queue Termination States can be translated as the following:


"05","2007-03-28","09:11:02","2007-03-28","09:11:08","Recognition Server","8","TEST","0","","0","0","0","0","0","0"
"05","2007-04-05","07:33:26","2007-04-05","07:33:26","Batch Manager","64","TEST","0","","0","0","0","0","0","0"

32  Error
64  Completed
128  Reserved
512  Locked

Description of information logged to the deleted batches log file - NOTE: "Deleted" includes batches exported as well as batches manually deleted from Kofax

Queue Termination States description

See also Deleted Batches Log File in the Kofax Capture Administration Guide.