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Kofax products and Apache Log4j2 vulnerability information

Kofax is aware of the recently disclosed Apache Log4j2 vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228). The following Kofax products are using the potentially vulnerable Log4j2 version Kofax is in the process of evaluating the usage of log4j2 in the above products and will create patches wherever it is needed, as a priority.

Products not listed on this page have been evaluated and are not vulnerable.

Affected Kofax Products Remediation Status Kofax Community Product Discussion URL
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 10.7-11.2 Patches are available. See  Kofax RPA CVE-2021-44228 log4j Security Exploit Information article.

Robotic Process Automation Release Announcements

Kofax Communication Manager (KCM) 5.3-5.5 Patches are available. See log4j vulnerability in Kofax Communications Manager article. Communications Manager Release Announcements
Device Web Service (DWS) 10.2
The DWS is used with AutoStore, Equitrac and Output Manager when deploying embedded clients, including the Kofax Unified Client.
See ControlSuite and the Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 for more information. ControlSuite Release Announcements
Device Web Service (DWS) 5.11 See ControlSuite and the Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 for more information. ControlSuite Release Announcements
eCopy ShareScan 6.x Until the ShareScan patches are ready, follow the steps in the ShareScan and Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) - Kofax article. MFD and Productivity Release Announcements
Invoice Portal Potential vulnerability remediated ReadSoft Release Announcements
Supplier Portal Potential vulnerability remediated ReadSoft Release Announcements
ReadSoft Online Potential vulnerability remediated ReadSoft Release Announcements
Exder Potential vulnerability remediated ReadSoft Release Announcements
Device Registration Service (DRS) See ControlSuite and the Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 for more information. ControlSuite Release Announcements


Kofax TotalAgility 7.10 is affected by CVE-2021-44228 - Please see the following: https://knowledge.kofax.com/Smart_Process_Applications_-_TotalAgility/New_Articles/Kofax_TotalAgility_and_CVE-2021-44228_log4j_security_exploit_Information

Taken from Kofax Knowledge Base: https://knowledge.kofax.com/General_Support/General_Troubleshooting/Kofax_products_and_Apache_Log4j2_vulnerability_information