Kofax scanner compatability check

  • Navigate to the URL below:
    • http://scadmin.kofax.com/KCSearch/?_ga=2.103003456.1333459867.1516137535-2056691278.1476368543
  • Choose the correct manufacturer and scanner make and model
  • Locate the correct VRS version that is installed on the machine you will be connecting the scanner to. (Launch Kofax Batch Manager > About > System Info > Image Controls)
  • Note: number/versions listed below
  • Click on the 'DETAILS' link

 Versions - 4.5

4.50.032 (Base - Standalone install)
4.50.115 (Base – Installed with KC9)
4.50.181 (SP1) 

 Version - 5.0 ( VRS Elite)

5.00.358 (Base - Standalone install)
5.00.602 (Base - Installed with KC10)

Version - 5.0 (VRS Elite SP1)

5.00.602 (SP1)

Version  - 5.1 (VRS Elite 5.1)

5.1.0078 (Base - Standalone install)
5.10.286 (Base - Installed with KC 10.1)
5.10.0078 (Base - Installed with KC10.1 R2)
5.10.078 (Base - Installed with KC10.2)

Version  - 5.1 (VRS Elite 5.1 with SP1) (SP1)

Versions for 5.1.1 (VRS Elite 5.1 with SP 1 and fix packs)

5.1.1619 (Base)
5.1.1754 (SP1 FP1)
5.1.1863 (SP1 FP3)
5.1.1887 (SP1 FP5)
5.1.1936 (SP1 FP6)
5.1.1958 (SP1 FP7)