Locate the Image Directory in SQL Database (Kofax Capture)

How to locate the default image directory for a specific batch:

The following can only be done if you have "Store batches in SQL Server" checked/enabled in DBUtil:

In your Kofax Capture Batch table. There is a column called ImageDir. This column will contain the image directory of that current batch in progress. You can figure out which batch it is by reviewing the Batch ID with the Batch ID in batch manager for the batch in question

How to locate a specific page or document:

You can look at the BatchPage Table.

PageID = The page number of all scanned pages within the batch

Batch ID = Batch ID

DocID = Document number (Doc 1 = first document, Doc 2 = 2nd Document... etc)

Order number = Page Number within the specific document

Below is an example where we located information specific about a batch ID of 28023 and Page Number (Doc ID) 830