MU switch to proxy user

Basically we are going to use proxy user between MU services and MU server i

So instead of passing user subject thru the MU services we are using proxy account which is stored in the WebSphere J2C vault.



  1. Login to the WebSphere admin console
  2. Navigate to the Applications -> Application Types -> WebSphere enterprise applications. Select MediaUpshotEAR and click Update


3. single file

    File name: MediaUpshot.war/WEB-INF/classes/config/content-engine/ams/content-engine-provider-ams.xml

    Remote file: /opt/IBM/genus/mediaupshot/deploy/content-engine-provider-ams.xml     ( from server)



Click Next and complete file replacement.

4. Stop MediaUpshotEAR application. Start MediaUpshotEAR application

To revert changes use original file and repeat same steps.


Original file: /opt/IBM/genus/mediaupshot/deploy/content-engine-provider-ams.xml.bak  ( from server)