1. Knowledge Base and Help Center
  2. Tungsten Automation (Formerly Kofax)

PDF Version, Security, and Format Support for Import


Which PDF versions and formats are supported for import by Kofax?


Kofax VRS, Kofax Express, and Kofax Capture support the import of PDF 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7 compliant files, including those that meet the PDF/A (PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2, and PDF/A-3) and PDF/X (PDF/X-1a:2001 and PDF/X-1a:2003) standards, with the following known exceptions:

    • VRS supports import of individual PDF files, not PDF Portfolios.

    • PDFs must not be password protected.

    • PDFs must not contain security settings that restrict access to the data contained in the PDF file.

    • PDFs must not contain more than 32,767 pages.

    • Active dynamic content in PDFs will not be rendered.

    • XFA form data content in PDFs may not be rendered.

    • Markups, comments, and “sticky notes” in the PDF may not be rendered.

    • Secured PDF files with PDF document security enabled, such as Page Extraction and Content Copying, cannot be imported directly into Kofax Capture, but they can be imported via Kofax Import Connector beginning with 2.4 Fix Pack 2 (limited) and Kofax Import Connector 2.5.