Customer receive an error message on one remove site workstation when trying to synchronize the machine. The error message is: "Access to the path Global\CentralSiteMonitor" is denied.
Please be aware that the supported procedure should be to reinstall. The supported procedure is to reinstall the remote site, however you can also perform the steps bellow at your own risk.
You can convert a remote site back to a standalone station following the steps below:
- Take note of the ACIS central site IP/public name used for synchronizing
- Stop RSA
- Open command prompt and run the following queries:
- For Kofax Capture 9:
- OSQL -S .\AscentCapture -U sa -Q "DELETE FROM acsystem.dbo.acisrproperty"
- OSQL -S .\AscentCapture -U sa -Q "DELETE FROM acsystem.dbo.acisrtransfer
- For Kofax Capture 10/10.1:
- sqlcmd -S .\KofaxCap2008R2 -U sa -Q "DELETE FROM acsystem.dbo.acisrproperty
- sqlcmd -S .\KofaxCap2008R2 -U sa -Q "DELETE FROM acsystem.dbo.acisrtransfer"
- Change the <ACIServer RemoteSite> property in ACConfig.xml to "0" instead of 1
- Restart Kofax Capture Service on the remote site
- Remove the remote site profile from central site administration
- Open Batch Manager on remote site and convert station to remote site
- Finally run RSA on remote site and convert the remote site.