Troubleshooting Solr Problems

Sometimes assets may not be fully indexed.  Often, this is blamed on Solr not being accessible when calls to add items/parts to the index are made.  

If Solr is not accessible when an asset is ingested, there should be an error similar to the following. 

[pool-3-thread-4] ERROR - Solr post method returned status code 404, Not Found. Attempting a recovery.
[pool-3-thread-4] ERROR - Recovery not possible. Status code 404, Not Found
[pool-3-thread-4] ERROR - Adding asset A1001001A17D28B03530I01409 to the failed assets table. errorMsg: Not Found


This will be evidenced by not being able to find an item via Full Text Search you know is present or discrepancies between

/ams/rest/search?results-format=full which executes against the content repository and

/ams/rest/search?results-format=basic or basic-full which execute against solr. 


You can go to the /ams/lucene page and index all the failed assets:


or provide a list of asset IDs to index.